Raptor resourse project

Raptor resourse project
Most American alligators live in Florida and Louisiana. In Florida alone, their number is 1 million individuals. Florida is the only place on Earth where alligators and real crocodiles coexist.
The distribution area of eagles is quite wide, and the habitat depends on the species of bird. Nevertheless, all representatives of the representatives prefer to settle away from civilization and humans, choosing mountainous or semi-open landscapes. For example, the golden eagle inhabiting the territory of Russia (in the north of the Caucasus and the south of Primorye) nests in a hard-to-reach forest zone, and its Australian relative, the wedge-tailed golden eagle, feels comfortable in the forests of New Guinea. Steppe eagles live in steppes and semi-desert zones, inhabiting them from Transbaikalia to the Black Sea coast. The burial eagle took a fancy to the forest-steppes of Ukraine, the Kazakh steppe regions, the forests of the Czech Republic, Spain and Romania. Eagles are found in Iran and China, in Hungary and Slovakia, in Greece and Germany.
Currently, birds of prey from the Hawk family, represented by: Hawk eagle (A.fаsciata or H.fаsciatus); Indian hawk eagle (Lorhotriorchis kieneri); Berkut (A. chrysaetos); Stone eagle (A. arakh); Kaffir eagle (A.verreauuxii); Silver eagle (A.wahlbergi); Wedge-tailed eagle (A.audax). The birds received the conservation status "Vulnerable Species": Burial ground (A. helias); Spanish burial ground (A.adalberti); Greater spotted eagle (A. clanga). The endangered species is represented by the Steppe eagle (A. niralensis), and the close to vulnerable position is the Moluccan eagle (Аquila gurneyi). The dwarf eagle (A. renata or H. renata) and the burial ground in a number of countries are included in the pages of the national Red Book.
Pay with VISA card
On the payment page, you need to enter the details of your "Visa" card and make a transfer. The operation will not take more than ~2 minutes.
Payment goes to the zoo
Payment goes to the account of the zoo and volunteers with employees receive a notification about the donation.
The selected animal receives a treat
The staff takes the food you need for your chosen animal and delivers it to the animal. With your help, the animal is happy!